Frequently Asked Questions.
Subscriber Edition
Why does my employee see quiz questions instead of a video?
The video is on the first page of the quiz and some times users end up on the second page before finishing the video.
If your employee only sees quiz questions, but has not watched the video in one of the Video + Quiz sections, they simply need to scroll to the bottom of the quiz window and click the "Previous" button.
This situation can happen if the employee clicked "Next" before the video was done or someone has gone into the quiz beforehand to test to see if it was working.
Reading Reports: What is Active Time?
Employee time is tracked by causing their web browser to contact our server periodically. We do this operation once every 2 minutes. This means that if an employee leaves the site after 4 hours and 1 minute and 58 seconds, the report will show their active time as 4hours 0 minutes.
However, this system depends on our website being open and active on the employee's computer. If the employee clicks over to another window or on their desktop,
What is Light Duty Pathway?
LDP is a web-based platform which offers employers both a simple and affordable solution for reducing Workers’ Compensation rates; by avoiding time lost from work. It provides an engaging light duty job for injured employees, with built-in accountability measures.
What kind of content does the platform contain?
LDP content consists of training modules based on an 8 hour work day. For each hour of the day, injured employees watch entertaining and informative videos and answer review questions. Most hours also include interactive eLearning activities as well. Topics range from work, home, and environmental safety to personal health and well-being.
Light Duty Pathway® also supplies a range of safety training topics to employ for mandated safety meetings.
How many light duty work days are available?
We currently have 20 light-duty workdays (160 hours) (15 original + 5 review) available in English and 5 workdays (40 hours) in Spanish. These can be used any way desired; as a complete workday or just a few hours at a time.
The platform pairs seamlessly with our return to work program and other light-duty work examples content can be repeated to cover longer periods of potential time loss. We do not recommend putting your injured worker through the coursework more than twice.
How do employees progress through the light duty work day?
The work day is broken up into individual hours; wherein there are safety training videos to watch and activities to complete. Employees can only work on one section at a time, in a set order. When one section is completed, the next one will become available. Employees cannot go back to previously completed sections.
How do I track my employee's progress?
User activity reports are emailed to the designated company contacts you select when setting up the user. These reports go out only on days the employee has logged in and done work. Other reporting is available on the employer console. Reports are broken down by LDP work day so you can easily see what has been completed and what is still incomplete.
What if an employee has to leave in the middle of a work day?
As long as the employee does not click on a button to complete a video or eLearning section, they can return at a later time and pick up where they left off. This applies even if they log out of the training site or close the web browser.
Are breaks included in light duty work days?
Yes. We have included pop-up reminders between every two hours of content.
These reminders tell the worker to follow the their company's policy for taking rest periods.
Some states require paid rest periods for every four hours worked. Our schedule was designed to accommodate those requirements. Therefore, we have scheduled in two 10 minute breaks (after hour 2 and 6) and one 60 minute break (after hour 4).
As an employer, you can advise your employee about how and when they should take their breaks and for how long.
Can my employee use just part of a light duty work day?
While LDP days are designed to be used as one full 8-hour work day, how they are used is up to you. A transitional work day does not need to be completed in one calendar day; and can be used over the course of time. A user can start an LDP day on a Friday and come back and complete it on a Monday, or Tuesday, or whenever they are next scheduled to work. The LDP days are not tied to the calendar.
Why does the "Start Time" for an hour on a different day than the "End Time"?
The "Start Time" indicates the first time an employee accesses part of a content hour. The "End Time" indicates the when the employee completed the last piece of content in the hour. Some hours have two pieces of content. It's possible for an employee to start (or open and abandon) an hour on one day and finish it on a different day. In those cases, the start time stamp will be from the prior work day from the rest of the day's activity. We know this can be confusing and are working on solutions.
Will my state help me pay for Light Duty Pathway?
In some states, if an employer pays for job modifications to retain or reintroduce an employee utilizing a return to work with restrictions letter program after a work-related injury, the employer may be eligible for reimbursement. This may include purchasing a computer, peripherals, an office chair, and even access to LDP itself. Please check with your state agency to determine the requirements for reimbursement.
If I purchase now, how long until my employee can start?
Yes. It only takes a few minutes to set up an employee account and start reaping the modified duty benefits today.
Will this allow me to earn or keep a claim free discount?
Your state or insurance agency may offer claim free discounts. A claim free discount is earned by having no time loss, loss of earning power, or permanent partial disability (indemnity payments) paid on any Workers’ Compensation claim for a specific time period. By taking advantage of LDP and paying the employees their regular wage, you will keep time loss from being paid, helping to work towards or maintain your claim free discount.
What are the technical requirements to use LDP?
Since LDP is an online platform that uses streaming videos, a broadband internet connection (at least 1Mbps) and a recent web browser are required.
Most content should work on iPads or other tablets, and if any content does not work, it can be skipped, but we recommend using good laptop or desktop computer.
Can an injured worker use the platform at home?
LDP's Safety Ambassador Program can be accessed from anywhere using a computer with speakers/headphones and a high-speed internet connection. However, we highly recommend employees us LDP at their workplace as there are likely fewer distractions and temptations than at home. Requiring an employee to come in reinforces the idea that they are still on the job and are still a part of the team.
How do I know if my worker completes an LDP day?
Daily progress reports are emailed on days that workers use the LDP training website. These emails are all sent to the email address(es) specified when the worker is assigned to the LDP days. Further progress will be reported on the employer console.
Will workers who complete LDP receive an OSHA Card?
No. The safety content provided by the Light Duty Pathway has been written to meet or exceed OSHA safety standards. However, while LDP is a great supplement to any safety program, it is not a substitute for specific safety training which results in the issuance of Department of Labor OSHA 10-Hour or 30-Hour cards where required.
Is more Spanish content on the way?
We recognize that there is a need for more Spanish language content, but such content takes a lot of time and resources to generate. We are currently looking at how our existing Spanish content is being used, and listening to our customers and potential customers to determine when it will be viable for us to create more. If Spanish language content is important or critical for you, please let us know.
What if our IT department has things locked down?
It's possible for your company network security settings to be so locked down that certain parts of our site may not work.
Here is a list of addresses that your IT department can use to determine what needs to be allowed in order fully access the content.
The base URL for the website is:
The training section of the site where employees will be working is:
Content is served from:
(on an Amazon s3 server)