What Is Modified Duty Work?
How would you like to increase the production and efficiency of injured employees? Keeping them on-site with modified duty tasks rather than resting at home is possible with Light Duty Pathway®.

You probably remember a time when your injured employee started receiving workers’ compensation benefits and seemed to disappear without a trace. The stress and frustration really kicked in when trying to track an employee’s daily progress.
That’s why establishing a modified work pathway yields the benefit of retaining your workers after an accident, as well as, cutting the time and money lost to disability by implementing short term light-duty assignments. The ease of tracking daily progress through our web-based software and reporting helps to ensure employee productivity is running on all cylinders.
Finding supplemental job duties for employees with work restrictions doesn’t have to be a head-scratching and painful. Light Duty Pathway® has the solution for improving time efficiency, production, and providing meaningful work. All done with a simple to use modified duty process.
Light Duty Pathway
Stop losing your employees to paid leave with a return to work program that focuses on providing your team with modified duty tasks and safety training topics. How long can your company afford to continue paying for the lost wages associated with an employee work injury?
Few businesses have the resources to wait on injured employees, unable to perform their regular job functions with no certain plan for return. The expenses devoted to training temporary employees to replace those gone due to injury can be a large resource drain. A leave of absence with the workers’ compensation system may last longer than expected, crushing your operation.
Employees missing for extended absences may become disconnected from the company’s culture and this dispirited nature can lead to a lack of production as well as a prolonged withdrawal from your company.
Workers' Compensation Claims Are Costly.

"How long can your company afford to continue paying for the lost wages associated with an employee injury?"

A Simple Solution.
Taking care of your injured employees and ensuring efficiency has never been easier with Light Duty Pathway®.
A great return to work program focuses on providing purposeful modified duty work paired with safety training to prevent future incidents. Light Duty Pathway® is the real solution to the core problem of wasted opportunity and unproductive behaviors.
A natural lack of motivation develops within an individual performing mind-numbingly useless work. Modified tasks provided by Light Duty Pathway® can make the difference in your personnel’s motivation.
Follow our easily navigated path for providing limited employees with alternative tasks. Deliver light-duty work that is beneficial to your employee and company’s well being. Nurture your team by empowering injured employees to continue working on valuable tasks even in the most unfortunate of times.
How Does Modified Duty Work?
Our mission is to simplify your journey for helping injured employees back on their feet and return to the workplace. Stop settling for employee’s resting at home with worker’s compensation. A simpler, more productive, and cost-efficient pathway for reintegrating injured employees is just a few clicks away. See the difference an accomplished return to work program can do for you.
Unfortunately, workplace injuries happen all too often. Light Duty Pathway® takes the power back into your hands for making the most of any sour situation. Reap the rewards of modified duty for both you and your employees.
Achieve your goal of creating an atmosphere of confidence with light-duty work, confirming you have your workers back. Supplemental tasks for limited employees issues job security. Sitting at home receiving a partial check for disability may sound nice to some. The reassurance of a guaranteed job to come back to after injuries have healed far outweighs extended leaves away from work.
At the end of the day, your company's time and money need to be utilized to the fullest. Achieve that by signing up with Light Duty Pathway®. The simple, efficient, and effective solution for injured employees returning to the workplace. Modified duty work doesn’t have to feel complicated anymore.
Light Duty Pathway® is here to guide you along every step of the way.
Win With Modified Duty.