Return To Work With Restrictions Letter.
Are you exhausted from the endless pursuit of attempting to rally injured employees? We can help get them to return to work with a restrictions letter.
Put an end to wasted opportunities for meaningful production. Stop questioning where and what your light-duty work employee is up to. Cut the costly expenses of workers’ compensation benefits. Getting employees to return to work with a restrictions letter doesn’t need to be complicated anymore. In a few simple steps, Light Duty Pathway® can vanquish all these quarrels.
Change the way your small/medium business or large corporation handles stressful employee injuries. Start enjoying the fruit of fluid transitions, slashed expenses, and more efficient use of your company’s time.
Light Duty Pathway
What Is An RTW Program?
A return to work (RTW) program helps get employees back to work with a restrictions letter while recovering from a work-related injury. Traditionally, when an employee is injured in the line of work and needs time away to recoup, companies are responsible for paying the employees lost wages.
Help Employees Return To Work.
Extended employee absences can leave your business vulnerable to increased turnover and expenses. Companies thrive with talented workers. Finding a perfect combination of skill, hard work ethic, and reliability is not easy to come across.
Valuable personnel that is crucial to the success and daily operation is a valuable asset to your business and should be protected at all costs. Why not prepare your company for the strenuous situation of finding supplemental work when an injury occurs; we can help.
As you make proactive plans for the longevity of your business consider the impact each associate has on the entire operation. Imagine workers are the cogs that keep your well-oiled machine moving. If one cog breaks down, it can effect the overall quality and efficiency of the once well-oiled machine.
This is where planning prevsails. Putting systems in place to have operations running on all cylinders even as unforseen situations can occur. Light Duty Pathway® provides the guidance your company needs in difficult of times by helping employees be safe, productive and stay motivated. Employees who, unfortunately, experience an injury in the workplace continue to need long-term security for provision. A disability payment from workers comp making up for lost wages can be helpful at first, but the long term dependability of a full-paying job is far more valuable for workers than a partially-paid leave of absence.
"In order to look after your employee’s mental and physical health, an effective return to work program that gets your employee back to work must be put in place."
Get Employees Back To Work ASAP.
Extensive stints away from work may also lead to seclusion and social withdrawals from co-workers. Your employee’s mental and physical health must be looked after. An effective return to work program that gets your employee back to work as soon as possible helps guard against these difficult situations.
Light Duty Pathway® is the simple and effective step leaders are taking towards implementing a modified duty process. We are here to be your light along the pathway when navigating how to manage injured employees.
Tracking down and interpreting doctor releases can be difficult . Let us handle all the hard work with an instant light-duty work management solution that gets employees to return to work with a restrictions letter so you can continue directing your business in the right direction.
Work That's Beneficial.
Our return to work program supplies four weeks of daily training that meets light-duty job descriptions. Finding meaningful work for employees with limitations can be extremely challemging. With Light Duty Pathway, you and your workers are fully aware of the light-duty work examples that are truly beneficial to your company.
Web-based software filled with content consisting of videos and tasks that educate and equip your employees for a safer working experience. Training modules provide enough work to fill an 8-hour workday consisting of interactive eLearning activities with review questions at the end of most hours. Stand confident knowing your time is maximized and efficiency is at an all-time high, especially compared to the typical recommended job duties such as sweeping floor, filing paperwork and job supervision.
Do you want your employees to spend precious company time learning the ins and outs of safety on the job, becoming an ambassador of safety knowledge for all other employees to prevent further injuries? Or would you rather that time be spent making sure the floors are swept and files are organized, again…? The choice is yours.
Stay in the loop on your light-duty worker’s progress with daily reports from Light Duty Pathway®. See the value in your employee’s training and help keep them accountable to ensure proper progression is taking place.